Friday 20 January 2012

I'm back bitches....oh and it's Wed Jan 18th.

Okay.  Hi.  Forgive me for being a lousy blogger.  What the hell life?  It's like, alllll up in my grill making it hard to just like, zone out in front of a computer in my free time.  Strange right? 

So I've had people actually coming up to me asking me about my blog and if I quit doing it.  The first couple people I thought "yeah yeah, I know, they have nothing else exciting going on for them except looking at me in various combinations of 7 different clothing items.  Poor them." but then after like multiple people asked me, I started thinking that maybe.....just maybe....I've touched one or two of these people?  Not like physically touched, like bathing suit parts or anything awkward like that.....but maybe they started making their own fashion choices a little more consciously and trying to be a little more daring?  All because of me!  And my over active imagination is going to let me run with that one so I decided it was time to come back!! 

And now I don't want to post my first posting.  Mostly because it's all black....and leggings....and a slightly flowey top with tighter bottoms (I'll do better I promise Chantelle!) but I had to start somewhere and so I just did it.  Outfit be dammed!  So here you have Wednesday Jan 18th/2012.

Okay so sheeeeeeer top and my work.  Yeah, I went there.  Top from bootlegger and is cute as heck but I wore it for like 23 minutes and 2 buttons fell off the sleeves so that's that!  High waisted leggings and my over the knee suede boots.  Oh and i've been working out y'all!  Can you tell?  You can say no, I don't cry.

The boots pulled up where they should be. 

And a closer upper of the top.  And my crotch.  Which brings me to another random thought.....what's the general consensous on "what to wear under leggings"?  I chose to wear nothing, but have had a few people gasp is disbelief at that so now I'm wondering if i'm a freak?  What do you ladies (okay, or men) wear under your leggings?

So first outfit of 2012.  What do you think?  And now i'm off to find something to dazzle you all.  In 24 minutes cause working on this blog always makes me late.  But you're all worth it and I love you. 


  1. Happy New Year Shannon, I love the look, sadly I can't pull this one off, just cause im not as teeny as you, but If I were .. OH mamma! as for the under the leggings , you're totally not a freak <3

  2. I like the top! Oh...I go for the seamless thong under leggings. Wouldn't want to risk the CT. Know what I mean?
