Sunday 23 October 2011

Shannon and her Technicolor Dream Tunic!

This is my Friday Oct 21st and it's a sacred, holy event that could only be saved for a Sunday posting.  I.  Am.  Wearing.  Colour.  Lots of it.  And pattern.  And I didn't die, or get struck by lightening, or called names by little kids.  I did however feel.....odd...all day.  Like I was a glowing beacon or a giant neon sign.  So here's outfit in all it's magical Technicolour splendor.

OKAY so it's a tunic top from Bia Boro over some black leggings and some black suede over the knee boots....which are hard to see.

Tried to get a better pic of the boots....I got them at Spring 3 or 4 years ago.

A closer look at all that COLOURFUL PATTERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I even skipped the silver jewellry and wore gold!  Now aren't you all proud of me!  Still have 2 days left in the challenges for next week!  What would you like to see me in?  Something normal, nice, not so nice, crazy, out of the ordinary?  Suggest something!!

What do you think of my colourful tunic?


  1. Love the gold! I love this challenge of yours. It is inspiring me to do something of the same! (As I sit wearing black skinnies, a grey tank, and a grey cardigan. Color!

  2. Love it Shannon! Your one hot babe!
